Are you ready to take some time to reflect and heal? 

If yes...let's work together.

Time to reflect 

Download your FREE guide. 

Right now you might be feeling rejected and unloved and it's so challenging to see a way forward.

To support you I've created a FREE guide Reconnect to your Identity in Christ to help you to do just that. It will remind you that you are God's daughter and as such you are loved, forgiven and worth dying for.

By following the simple steps and self-reflection prompts in the guide you will feel comforted, encouraged and more at peace. Take some gentle time out for yourself to reflect on what God really thinks of you.

Click the link below and grab the guide today.

Remember you are his daughter and he loves you.

Let's Talk

Book your Complimentary Call.

I invite you to a confidential complimentary call with me on zoom or by phone.

During this one hour FREE consultation, I will actively listen. You can explain what has happened and how you feel. I want to understand how the emotional and spiritual pain from your  separation or divorce is impacting on your life right now. 

We can decide if working together is the best way to support you in moving forward. 

Go ahead and click the link below to book a call and time for us to chat. 

Then on the day grab a cuppa, make yourself comfortable and we'll talk.

Power Session One

Seven Godly Survival Strategies.

This introductory 1:1 powerful session, will happen online and will be up to 90 minutes long.

I will provide you with tools to manage unwanted emotions such as sadness, anger and fear so that you can disrupt them and get on with your life in peace.

You will be able to put these strategies into use immediately to improve your day to day life. 

Remember, you are not powerless! Taking action on even the smallest of things, leads to you feeling more empowered and determined to make the bigger changes you want in your life. Getting started really is the key to taking your power back. 

This session is a one off cost of £125.

Power Session Two

How to Forgive from the Heart.

This introductory 1:1 powerful session, will happen online and will be up to 90 minutes long.

We all know that we have to forgive others (and ourselves) to live our best lives. But how do you actually do this? Have you ever been taught? 

Forgiveness is not about pretending that something didn't happen or doing your best to forget it. It's not about 'letting them off the hook'. It's actually about releasing yourself.

In this session, I'll take you through a powerful system that has worked for me. This simple process will be a valuable life tool which will enable you to live in  freedom. 

This session is a one off cost of £125.

The Full Programme


The fully immersive and totally transformative personal journey "TRANSFORMING YOUR PAIN TO PEACE AND POWERis a complete programme of 8 sessions and is designed to move you on from your pain of separation or divorce to a place of peace. 

From here you can empower yourself to achieve your goal and plan your future. 

We will go at your pace. This means you can fit the course around your life deciding how much time you need between sessions to reflect and consolidate. 

The work we are doing here is life-changing so we won't move on until you are ready. If you want to spend more time on a particular area then simply book more sessions.  

Session 1

Emotional Healing:

If you are struggling with your emotions after the breakdown of your Christian marriage, please know this, you are not alone! 

A process similar to grieving takes place and there's a beginning, middle and end. We will start this journey by identifying where you are in this process so that you can move on towards healing, peace and restoration.

Session 2

Set your Goal and Dare to Dream:

What do you want from your journey? We will identify your goal(s) and why they matter to you.

Together we will identify a specific outcome so that you stay on target and get things done, even when it feels challenging. 

We will find ways together to motivate and inspire you so you can live your best life.

Sessions 3, 4 + 5

Personalised Coaching:

During these three sessions, we will get really honest, so that you have clarity around any issues that you feel are getting in your way. We will identify your strengths so you are able to investigate options, to make better decisions and take action.

As you continue to move forward you will be able to remind yourself of God's love to feel safe and boost your confidence.

Session 6

Transforming Foes into Friends:

This session is about how to tackle the obstacles within ourselves that try to sabotage our efforts. Fear, procrastination and our own critical thoughts for example, can hinder our progress.


Session 7

Build a Solid Support System: 

Recovery takes time and you'll need ongoing support to continue your journey.

We'll consider who could help and what resources you may need.

Session 8

Soar Like an Eagle! 

In this session we will identify the next steps you could take for your immediate future so you have powerful strategies to support you, keep you motivated and on track. It's a power session to launch you into the future and completes Transforming Your Pain to Peace and Power.

Take the first smallest step possible

Just getting started can help you stop feeling powerless in life. 

Let's work together.



  • Feel secure in God's love.

  • Let go of condemnation.

  • Live in God's grace.

  • Take positive action!

 Power Sessions 


Control challenging emotions and nurture your inner peace.

  • Learn HOW to forgive and set yourself free.

  • * each session sold separately

Buy now
The Full Programme


  • Untangle the complexities of emotional and spiritual pain. 

  • Find peace and then the strength to take control of your future.

  • A personal one to one programme consisting of 8 sessions delivered at your own pace.

Buy now
Qualified coach and teacher supporting you online or in person, to be seen and heard in a confidential, non-judgemental way so you can rebuild your life.

+44 7818852987