
Your Pain

To Peace And Power

Support for Christian Women After the Breakdown of Their Marriage

One to One Support for Christian Women After the Breakdown of  Their Marriage.

If you're experiencing emotional and spiritual pain caused by the breakdown of your Christian marriage, please read on.

I'm Moira The Friendly Ear for women with a faith in Jesus Christ who are going through the process of separation or divorce or who are already separated or divorced (whether it was recently or many moons ago.) I understand the confusing rollercoaster of negative emotions you can experience. I want you to feel like yourself again, before things went wrong.

We can't change the past but we can take hold of your future with power.

Right now are you..?

  • Feeling alone, angry, judged or anxious struggling to forgive and accept the breakdown of your marriage?

  • Trying to work out what you could have done better?

  • Thinking you should be able to cope because you're a Christian?

  • Waking up in the morning after a bad nights' sleep with butterflies, dreading the rollercoaster of emotions you'll have to go through that day as well as juggling the rest of your life?

  • Avoiding social gatherings because your friends feel awkward around you and they don't know what to say?


Living your life knowing that there really is

 'No condemnation for those in Christ.'

So you Can.. 

  1. Wake up after a great nights' sleep, prop up your pillows and look forward to the day ahead knowing that whatever comes your way, you can totally handle it.

  2. Feel secure every day in God's love and grace so that you feel confident at work again, can enjoy being a mum and know you are loved for who you are.

  3. Experience everyday life in real freedom, letting go of the past and forgiving those who you felt were not there for you when you needed them most.

  4. Reignite the fun in your friendships so you can enjoy a day or a girls' night out feeling positive, happy and excited about your future.

  5. Feel loved, strong, capable and determined and at peace with the world.

It is possible. 

Are you ready to have someone walk with you, listen to you, guide you and support you on your road to the future?

If the answer is yes, then get in touch by phone or email to arrange a complimentary discovery call of up to an hour. We can decide if working together is the best way to support and help you move forward.